Board of Directors
Board of Directors

Marc Paquette
Vermont agency of agriculture food and markets Marc is the NCWM Chairman and serves on the NTEP Committee.Paquette earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Lyndon State College in Lyndonville, VT. He began his career with the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets in 1989 as an inspector for the Consumer Protection Section.
Paquette served as lead inspector for Weights & Measures devices including large capacity scales and vehicle tank meters. In 2010, he attended the NIST Basic Metrology training for mass, volume, and length and became the Agency of Agriculture Weights and Measures Specialist/Metrologist, establishing two new metrology labs in an eight-year period. Paquette currently serves as the Weights & Measures Section Chief and Metrologist.
Paquette served the NCWM as Sergeant-at-Arms at the National Meeting in both 1999 and 2008 Burlington, Vermont. He has served on the Professional Development Committee (PDC) 2018 -2020 and served as the National Chair of the committee in 2020. He has also served on the Nominating Committee. Paquette is an active member of the Northeastern Weights and Measures Association (NEWMA) serving on the PDC since 2012, PDC chair in 2017, and NEWMA Chairperson in 2016.
Kevin Schnepp
California Department of Food and Agriculture Division Of Measurement StandardsKevin Schnepp, Director for the California Department of Food and Agriculture, Division of Measurement Standards. Kevin oversees all programs within the Division: Metrology; Weighmaster; California Type Evaluation Program; Fuels, Lubricants, and Automotive Products, Registered Service Agency; Alternative Fuels; Device Enforcement; and Fuels and Automotive Products Enforcement. His duties also encompass the divisions work in ZEV infrastructure standards and specifications development along with facilitating policies and regulations for the oversight of zero-emission and low-carbon alternative and renewable fuels. Kevin earned a Bachelor’s Degree in chemistry and a Master’s in Business Administration with a concentration in environmental compliance and sustainability.
Kevin has over 20 years combined process R&D and chemistry research experience, with 13 years of service within CDFA’s Division of Measurement Standards conducting research and development programs in zero emission, alternative and renewable fuels. Kevin is an active member with ASTM, NCWM, the California Fuel Cell Partnership, the National Hydrogen Safety Codes and Standards Committee, H2 USA, and serves as the department’s representative to the Governor’s ZEV implementation team.

Gene Robertson
Immediate Past Chairman
Robertson earned a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture Business at Mississippi State University. From 1982 to 1993, he worked as a Catfish Farm Manager and Cotton Gin Manager. From 1993 to 2003, he was an Aquaculture Specialist/Market Specialist for the Mississippi Department of Agriculture where he is currently employed. Gene’s current responsibilities include Deputy Bureau Director of Regulatory Services, Grain Warehouse/Dealer Licensing, Aquaculture Coordinator, Egg Marketing Board Member, and Mississippi Emergency Management Agency Representative.
In addition to NCWM and SWMA, Gene is professionally involved with the Association of Grain Regulatory Officials, Mississippi Aquatic Invasive Species Council, and National Association of State Aquaculture Coordinators.
During his spare time, Gene enjoys hunting, traveling and spending time with his grandchildren.

Mahesh Albuquerque
Colorado Division of Oil and public safetyMahesh is NCWM Treasurer.
Mahesh served as NCWM Chairman in 2023 and as NTEP Chairman in 2024. He is now Chair of the EVSE Technical Conference & Trade Show Planning Committee. He served on the Specifications and Tolerances (S&T) Committee from 2012-2016, and as S&T Committee Chair in 2015 and 2016. He served as Chair of the Natural Gas Steering Committee and served on the NIST U.S. National Working Group for Development of Hydrogen Measurement Standards.
Regionally, Albuquerque is the Secretary/Treasurer of the Western Weights and Measures Association (WWMA). He served as WWMA President from 2014-2015 and WWMA S&T Committee from 2009-2012, and as S&T Committee Chair in 2012.
Albuquerque has served as the Director of the Colorado Division of Oil and Public Safety (OPS) since 2008. The OPS administers laws and regulations aimed at ensuring environmental protection, weights and measures and public safety.
Mahesh serves in leadership roles on several other boards and committees, and works closely with federal, state and industry partners, and standards development organizations to ensure environmental protection and public safety.

Bill Striejewske
Active Membership - Western Region Representative
Nevada department of agriculture, Division of Measurement StandardsBill serves as the Western Region Representative on the NCWM Board of Directors.
Bill was born and raised in Western New York and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from the State University of New York (SUNY) Fredonia and his Doctorate in Organometallic Chemistry from SUNY Buffalo. A Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Nevada, Reno brought Bill to Nevada for what was meant to be a short time but has stretched to nearly 30 years.
Following time working for a fuel startup company and time at a private testing lab, Bill began working in the Nevada Department of Agriculture in Petroleum Technology, starting in 2002. He served as the Senior Petroleum Chemist, supervising the state petroleum labs, from 2008 to 2023. Bill currently serves as the Administrator of the Division of Measurement Standards, overseeing the Metrology, Petroleum Technology, and Weights & Measures programs.
Since becoming active within NCWM in 2014, Bill has been a member of the Fuels and Lubricants Subcommittee (FALS), serving as FALS Chair from 2017 through 2022.
Bill was also active for 15 years with ASTM, International, beginning in 2008. He served the Gasoline and Oxygenated Fuels Subcommittee first as Membership Secretary and then as Vice Chair for a number of years.
In his spare time Bill enjoys being on his road bike or a pair of skis (depending on the season) and suffers through Buffalo sports (Go Bills).

Jason Flint
Active Membership - Northeastern Region Representative
New Jersey office of the attorney general, department of law and public safety, division of consumer affairs, office of weights and measuresJason serves as the Northeastern Region Representative on the NCWM Board of Directors.
Jason started his career as a field inspector with Morris County Weights and Measures in 2001, transferred to Somerset County Weights and Measures in 2005 and began working with the New Jersey State Office of Weights and Measures (NJOWM) in 2015. He became the Supervisor of Law Enforcement with NJOWM in 2023 and works closely with local, state, federal and industry partners to ensure consumers and business are protected from fraud and loss.
Regionally, Jason is a member of the Northeastern Weights and Measures Association (NEWMA) and has served on the Specifications and Tolerances Committee since 2019. Nationally, he served on the National Conference on Weights and Measures Specifications and Tolerances Committee since 2019, ending as Chairman in 2024, as well as being a member of the Weigh-In-Motion Task Group, Safety Subcommittee, and Cannabis Task Group.
Prior to his roles in weights and measures, Jason studied Music Education with a concentration in voice and the French horn. He also had a career as an Emergency Medical Technician for 25 years throughout New Jersey, culminating as EMS Chief for the South Bound Brook First Aid Squad. Jason is also the proud father of two daughters and two sons, and enjoys fishing and boating with them "down the shore".

Paul Floyd
Active Membership - Southern Region Representative
Louisiana Department of Agriculture and forestry-weights and measures divisionPaul serves as the Southern Region Representative of the NCWM Board of Directors and serves on the NTEP Committee.
Paul is a graduate of Louisiana State University (LSU), where he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Sciences.
Paul is currently the Director of the Weights and Measures Division, in the Office of Agro-Consumer Services at the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry. Paul started his career with Weights and Measures as an inspector in 2002 and has worked his way up the ranks to the current position of Director.
Paul completed his term on the NCWM Professional Development Committee (PDC), serving as its Chairman in 2023. He also serves on the Cannabis Task Group for NCWM. He is a member of the Southern Weights and Measures Association (SWMA) where he served as the Chair for the SWMA PDC. He is a member of the SWMA Member Education and Mentoring Subcommittee.
Paul spends his time off pitching for the LDAF softball team, homebrewing, playing drums in a local band, cheering on the LSU Tigers, and spending time with his wife, Julie, and son, Owen.

Daniel Walker
Active Membership - Central Region Representative
Ohio Department of AgricultureDaniel serves as the Central Regional Representative of the NCWM Board of Directors and serves on the NTEP Committee.
Daniel is originally from rural Southern Illinois where he grew up helping on his grandfather’s grain and livestock farm. He is a graduate of Southern Illinois University, where he received a Bachelor of Science degree.
Daniel began his career in weights and measures in 2002 as a field inspector for a scale service company. While in the private sector, Daniel advanced to metrologist, quality manager and laboratory manager of a commercial calibration laboratory. He received NIST metrology training in 2005. Daniel joined the Ohio Department of Agriculture in 2011 where he served as a metrologist and quality manager for ODA’s Weights and Measures Division, overseeing ISO/IEC 17025 Accreditation, NIST Recognition, and maintenance of the state’s primary reference standards for mass, volume, length, and time measurements. Daniel was appointed Chief of ODA’s Weights and Measures Division in 2021.
Daniel serves on the Board of Directors for the Northeast Ohio Agriculture Innovation Center (NEO-AIC). Daniel has served on the Central Weights and Measures Association's Specifications and Tolerances Committee, as well as NCWM's Specifications and Tolerances and Professional Development Committees.

Raymond Johnson
Raymond is the Regulatory Affairs Consultant for Fairbanks Scales, Inc. He has been at this position since May 2022. He is also a member of the Scale Manufacturers Association (SMA) and the Vice Chair for SMA’s Technical Committee.
Raymond previously served as the NCWM Treasurer. Johnson has served on the NCWM Credentials Committee (chaired) and the Laws and Regulations Committee, acting as Chair in 2013 and 2014. He also served on the Natural Gas Steering Committee. Johnson earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminology from Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL. Before his retirement in July 2021, he spent 2 years as a Division Director for the Standards and Consumer Division of the New Mexico Department of Agriculture which oversees the inspection and testing of scales, liquid measuring devices, fuel quality, packages, price verification, eggs, dairy open dating and green chile. Prior to that, Johnson was an Assistant Division Director for 18 years and for 6.5 years prior to that, he was an Inspector in the Consumer Services Bureau in Albuquerque conducting inspections of the same.
In addition, Johnson was active in the Western Weights and Measures Association (WWMA) serving on the Nominating Committee (Chair), Honors and Awards Committee, Auditing Committee, Resolutions Committee and the Specifications and Tolerances Committee (2 terms and acted as chair twice). Johnson also served as WWMA President in 2010 and is a recipient of the Ray Rebuffo Award for outstanding service to the WWMA.

Dr. Matthew Curran
Dr. Curran earned his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Mississippi State University and his Doctorate in Inorganic Chemistry from Florida State University.
During his 25 years of public service, he has been fortunate to have had the opportunity to contribute to many roles protecting Florida’s environment as well as serving its industries and consumers.
In early 2005, he moved into the weights and measures field when he was appointed Chief of Petroleum Inspection for the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). That role morphed into the Chief of Standards role where he also represented FDACS nationally as the Weights and Measures Director of Florida.
Since joining the National Council on Weights and Measures in 2005, Matt has served on the following committees:
- NCWM Specifications and Tolerances Committee from 2013 – 2017 (Chairman in 2017)
- NCWM Fuels and Lubricants Subcommittee 2012 – 2017 (Chairman 2014 – 2017)
- NCWM Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Subcommittee (2017)
- NCWM Charter Team (2018)
- NCWM Cannabis Task Group (2021 to present)
Dr. Curran’s career advancements have led him to also serve in roles with FDACS as the Assistant Director of Consumer Services, the Assistant Director of Food Safety, and most recently as the Director of Food Safety.

Chris Guay
Associate Membership Representative
CGGTChris serves as the Associate Membership Representative on the NCWM Board of Directors as well as a member of the Association Membership Committee. He is a member of the Finance Committee and is chair of the Packaging and Labeling Subcommittee.
Chris is President of CGGT Resources, a technical and medical consulting firm. Previously, Chris worked for The Procter & Gamble Company for 37 years where he provided technical and regulatory support for P&G’s North American business. Chris has been a member of NCWM since 1989 and has been a strong proponent of NCWM's mission to provide equity in the marketplace.
Chris previously served as Industry Representative on the Laws and Regulations Committee, the PDC Committee (when it was called the Administration and Policy Committee, the Associate Member Committee (serving as Chairman on 2 occasions) as well as many NCWM Annual Committees and Task Groups. In addition to serving on the NCWM Board of Directors, Chris serves as Chairman of the Packaging and Labeling Committee, a role he has held for over a decade. Chris has also held Industry and Associate Member roles in the Central, Southern, and Western Weights and Measures Association.
Chris has degrees in Chemical Engineering, Finance, and Management. Chris is also a Boy Scout Leader and an avid traveler, hiker, backpacker, canoer, photographer and painter.