NTEP Grain Analyzer Sector
NTEP Grain Analyzer Sector
The charge of the Grain Analyzer Sector is important in providing appropriate type evaluation criteria based on specifications, tolerances and technical requirements of Handbook 44 Sections 1.10. General Code, 5.56. Grain Moisture Meters and 5.57. Near-Infrared Grain Analyzers. The Sector’s recommendations are presented to the NTEP Committee each January for approval and inclusion in NCWM Publication 14 Technical Policy, Checklists, and Test Procedures for national type evaluation.
The Sector is also called upon occasionally for technical expertise in addressing difficult Handbook 44 issues on the agenda of the NCWM Specifications and Tolerances Committee. Sector membership includes industry, NTEP laboratory representatives, technical advisors, and the NTEP Administrator. Meetings are held annually, or as needed and are open to all NCWM members and other registered parties.
- Meeting Registration
- Meeting Documents
- Meeting Archive
2025 NTEP Grain Analyzer Sector Meeting
August 5th, 2025 | Kansas City, Missouri
Meeting Registration
FGIS Laboratory
10383 N Ambassador Drive
Kansas City, Missouri 64153
Hotel Details:
We are doing things a little differently this year. We cannot contract a hotel because we only need 6-7 rooms each night. The sector recommends the following hotel:
Drury Inn & Suites Kansas City Airport
7900 NW Tiffany Springs Parkway
Kansas City, Missouri
Free hot breakfast and evening reception.
When reserving your room, please select “State Government” to receive the $135 gpd rate.
There is a complimentary airport shuttle; please call 816-880-9700 to schedule your pickup.
For more details, please contact:
Jeff Gibson
(740) 507-6343
Necessary documents for NTEP Sector Meetings, including the agenda, will be posted approximately one month before the meeting is to take place. If documents are not currently available, please check back closer to the actual meeting date.
Documents produced from NTEP Sector Meetings, such as summaries and action items, are posted here until completion of the National Conference on Weights and Measures Interim Meeting held each January. After the NCWM Interim Meeting, all NTEP Sector Meeting documents are moved to their corresponding Meetings Archive.
2025 | Kansas City, Missouri
Meeting Information Coming Soon
Request Agenda Items
Meeting Agenda
Phase II Moisture Comparisons
Phase II Test Weights
NTEP OCP Sample Cost Analysis
Meeting Summary
Complete Grain Meeting Summaries
NOTE: To use the PDF Advanced Search feature, please download the file and access the bookmarks.
2024 | Kansas City, Missouri
Request Agenda Items
Meeting Agenda
Phase II Moisture Comparisons
Phase II Test Weights
NTEP OCP Sample Cost Analysis
Meeting Summary
2023 | Kansas City, Missouri
Request Agenda Items
Phase II-Moisture
Phase II-Performance
Phase II-TW
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Summary
2022 | Kansas City, Missouri
Request Agenda Items
Meeting Agenda
2019-2021 GMM Phase II Comparisons: August 2022
Test Weight per Bushel Comparison - Corn (2019-2021 Crop)
Meeting Summary
Attendee List
2021 | ONLINE
Request Agenda Items
Final Attendee List
Meeting Summary
Meeting Agenda
2020 Phase II Moisture
2020 Phase II TW
2020 | ONLINE
Meeting Agenda
2017 - 2019 GMM Biases
2017 - 2019 TW Plots
Analysis of NTEP Data (HB44)
GMA-20.1 (with editorial changes to proposal)
Meeting Summary
2019 | Kansas City, Missouri
Final Attendee List
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Summary
2016 - 2018 GMM Biases
2016 - 2018 TW Plots
Sample Size for Assessing Agreement
2018 | Kansas City, Missouri
Final Attendee List
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Summary
2016 - 2018 GMM Biases
2016 - 2018 TW Plots
2017 | Kansas City, Missouri
Final Attendee List
Meeting Agenda
Meeting Summary
2014 - 2016 GMM Biases
2014 - 2016 TW Comparison Charts
TW Comparison Charts