Exam - Professional - Large Capacity
Large Capacity Scales
The NCWM Professional Certification Program provides assurance that an individual has a working knowledge of the U.S. standards for weights and measures as adopted by the NCWM. Certification is available to any individual, whether from the public or private sector whose profession requires thorough understanding of the national weights and measures standards. The Large Capacity Scale certification exam will draw on relevant portions of Handbook 44 and Handbook 112 .
For the purposes of this exam, large capacity scales are those where the load is static at the time it is weighed and where primary test weights and test loads are NOT applied by human hand. This may include scale applications such as vehicle and axle-load scales, livestock scales, hopper scales, crane scales, tank scales, and others. Railway Track scales are NOT included on this exam. Parts 2 and 3 of the exam may include a small number of questions dealing with requirements for mechanical weighing equipment with dial or beam type indicators that may not be covered in the Module referenced for that part.
Format and Duration:
- Handbook 44 is available here.
The examination is to be taken alone, without assistance from any other individual. The exam is OPEN BOOK as follows: The candidate may access unmarked copies of the current versions of Handbook 44 and Handbook 112, specifically:
- EPO 12 - Livestock and Animal Scales
- EPO 13 - Vehicle and Axle-Load Scales Vehicle and Axle-Load Scales
Test instructions are provided online prior to starting the exam. Since the test is electronically graded, the answer must be marked or typed correctly. The test questions for this exam will be primarily multiple-choice format with some short answer and compliance/citation format. For multiple-choice questions, you will be asked to pick the best answer from four options by clicking the button before your selected answer. For short answer questions, you must enter the specific answer, typed correctly. For compliance/citation questions, you will be given information describing a situation and asked to assess compliance. Answer “yes” if the situation complies based on the information provided, otherwise provide the specific legal citation if the device does not comply. The form of the citation will typically be something like S.X.X. for a specification, T.X.X. for a tolerance, or UR.X.X. for a user requirement. There is a short practice test to familiarize you with the exam environment and ensure that these basic rules for responses are understood.
Subject of Examination:
Module 4.2 Introduction to Device Control | 15 questions
(30 minute time limit)
These questions test for knowledge, understanding, and ability to apply the basic requirements applicable to all weighing and measuring devices. This may include questions on the selection, care and use of standards, the legal basis of Handbook 44
, the organization of that handbook, understanding of Fundamental Considerations, knowledge of systems of measurement units, understanding and application of General Code requirements, and understanding of NTEP and Certificates of Conformance.
2. Module 4.3.1 Static Electronic Weighing Systems - General | 18 questions
(45 minute time limit)
These questions test for knowledge and understanding of the basic technologies used in static weighing scales generally, understanding of classification of scales, ability to operate scales and interpret indications, understanding of and ability to apply technical and user requirements from
Handbook 44
Scales Code to large Class III or IIIL scales, and understanding and ability to conduct basic tests of large capacity scales and properly apply tolerances.
Module 4.3.7 Large Capacity Weighing Systems | 17 questions
(45 minute time limit)
These questions test for knowledge and understanding of the basic technologies used in large capacity scales, understanding of and ability to apply technical and user requirements from
Handbook 44
Scales Code to large Class III or IIIL scales, and understanding and ability to conduct prescribed tests of large capacity scales and properly apply tolerances.
Passing Score and Grading:
- 70% (35 or more correct answers)
- Following the completion of the examination or upon reaching the time limit for the third section, you will receive a total score for the exam and a pass/fail statement for each section. To protect the integrity of the test questions, NCWM will not advise you of the specific questions you answered incorrectly. The Professional Development Committee will be reviewing incorrect answers in periodic reviews and will adjust scores in select cases if a question is judged invalid. NCWM will notify you if your score is affected.
- If you wish to challenge any of the questions, you may contact the NCWM Professional Development Committee through NCWM via email to info@ncwm.com or call (402) 434-4880.
- A certification issued under this program is valid for five (5) years.